Balance Mind, Body & Your Inner Diva

Express your inner Diva as you workout and live in your new comfy gear.

About Us

Your Favorite Workout Shirt That Gives Back

We all have that one shirt that we practically live in. We aim to use the resources we have—our business, our investments, our voice and our imaginations—to give back to causes we care about.

So for any products you buy, we donate our time, services and at least 10 percent of our profits to help hundreds of grassroots organizations that benefit our Veterans (what the VA in deeVA stands for).

“I believe business has a responsibility to give back to our community and help causes we believe in. That’s why we are working with several non-profits to help fund their valuable work.”

Meghan Matthews, WorkoutDIVA

We’re just starting…Help us reach $50,000 for Health & Environment Non-Profits

Find Your Balance

Check back often as we will offer articles and tips on how you can find balance in today’s fast paced stressful environment.

Start Where You Are

Sometimes its hard to get started, but starting where you are and focusing on small goals at a time will help you go the distance and soon you’ll make real progress.

Go The Distance

Commitment to goals, step by step, will allow you to make real progress. Here you will find some handy tools and tips to measure progress.


The Best Workout Gear


Need to get motivated? Start here.

Strength Building

Strength building first comes from the inside and builds out. Before tackling the weights, build your inner strength.

Stress Relief

Activities to help relieve stress in everyday life. From 5 minute quick tricks to 1 hour long meditation practices.

Relax & Refresh

Need a day off? Here are some tips and ways to relax and refresh your mind, body and soul.

Beauty of Body

Eating right and taking care of yourself will go a long way to creating the most beautiful you.

Mind & Soul

Focus on the whole you. Mind, body, heart and soul all contribute to a healthier, happier you. Start here.

Workout Diva

Featured Collections

Have a Goal

We all work better if we have a goal, so set a goal, no matter how small, and make it happen. One small step after another goes a long way.

It's All About Balance

Stretch yourself. You can do so much more than you think you can. Feel the burn and see the results.

Find Your Higher Self

Reach for the stars and you will find you are among the best company.

Fast facts

Why Explore Your Inner Diva?

“When I make an effort to eat fresh, my body rewards me with more energy and I just feel better. It really does matter what you put in your body as fuel.”



“If sitting is the new smoking, stress is even worse for all the harmful things prolonged stress can do to you. That’s why making an active plan to manage stress through yoga and time away from my computer helps bring back balance.”


Managing Stress

“Sometimes, it seems that getting back balance is just too overwhelming. That’s why setting realistic goals and just start moving is the best path forward. One step at a time.”


Start Where You Are

Our Partner Events

Ready to Make a Change?

We’re partnering with HealthCode.org, a non-profit to help communities get moving. Sign up for HealthCode’s next event and you are automatically registered to win a free Workout Diva t-shirt. PLUS, we are giving 10% of all our t-shirt profits to the cause.